2008 has a new President and many lessons from history

Lessons of History
Some of us are waking up to the thrill of victory and others of us are struggling with a post election hangover. My candidate lost the election, but not my respect nor my admiration for him.

Looking back, I am very glad we had President George Bush in office over the last 8 years, let’s hope the new president is half as successful. Regarding President Bush, I was touched by a reflective article in the Wall Street Journal written by none other than one of John Kerry’s lawyers. Simply stated, he was horrified at the poor treatment of President Bush by the press.

Here it is to read.

History when viewed in contrast is revealing. President Reagan enjoyed a true mandate, although he never had the congress he needed to implement his plans so he appealed very successfully to average Americans in his weekly radio address. In those days and until the mid 1990’s, Congress had been in Democratic Control for 50 years or more. Republicans were shown as blue states with Reagan and it is amusing to remember how Democrats balked at a ‘socialist’ red color linked with them at the time.

Our soon to be new president Barack Hussein Obama has much to prove — not to me — but to those who voted and put their faith and hope in him. Time will tell. I am reminded of a quote that I keep on my blog:

“Nearly all men can stand
adversity, but if you
want to test a man’s
character, give him power.”
– Abraham Lincoln

Roger Freberg