Body by Jenny Craig

bodies and spirits transformed by Jenny Craig

If every man knew what I know, they would have far few troubles with the women in their lives.

Nothing makes a woman happier than to find herself in a new ‘envelope.’ That’s what the plastic surgeons call it: making a new envelope… however, using Jenny Craig to carve away the fat and tone the body is far less painful and much less expensive.

Today, Laura got a hold of their ‘beginning’ picture at Jenny Craig! whew! In my fair and balanced way, I have shown two ‘after’ pictures. Karen has continued to lose weight and I think has dropped twenty since this picture has been taken! Both of these ladies sport size 4’s nowadays! Who would have thought that losing weight would have brought them so much pleasure?

As for me… nah, Jenny Craig did nothing for me, I have always been my college weight… ahem… at least that is the way I want to remember it!

Congratulations, ladies!
