4 star General Anne Dunwoody

General Anne E. DunwoodyCongratulations to General Dunwoody!

wrote about her nomination  to become the first four star general in the United States military.

Here is a  nice article  on General Anne Dunwoody.

General Dunwoody had a couple of things that made me smile:

“This nomination only reaffirms what I have known to be true about the military throughout my career—that the doors continue to open for men and women in uniform.”


“There is no one more surprised than I—except, of course, my husband. You know what they say, `Behind every successful woman there is an astonished man.’ ” 

So, Congratulations and make us all proud.

Roger Freberg

Dressing for Cal Poly’ Delta Delta Delta Sorority

dressing for the tri delts

Living in San Luis Obispo, California doesn’t give one a chance to put on formal wear. However a local sorority DELTA DELTA DELTA was honoring Laura with “Faculty of the Year”.

Obviously, Laura  is modest in these sorts of things, but she is an excellent professor. How do I know? Well, once a year or so, I step into her world and take a day to attend her class sessions. I sit in the back and she will graciously introduce me with a few words that you can say only when there are many witnesses! Ha!

Laura is not the easiest professor, she is demanding but very and painfully fair. She has helped students into grad school and beyond. This recognition was sweet.
Yes, Laura and I have know each other for a long time… in fact, since she was taller than me. We’ve taken classes together along the way and married at 20.

Congratulations, Laura


PS. Win something else so we can dress up again!