Thanksgiving after-glow

TurGOOSen: Chicken into a Goose into a Turkey for Thanksgiving
TurGOOSen: Chicken into a Goose into a Turkey for Thanksgiving

Part of what no one ever discusses is how good we all feel after Thanksgiving. It is certainly NOT because of the ‘Black Friday’ sales — which I believe is only a way to ‘prime the pump’ for the Christmas holiday sales.

finally, I get a chance to sit down and enjoy Thanksgiving!
finally, I get a chance to sit down and enjoy Thanksgiving!

There is something about getting folks together and enjoying a wonderful meal… and hopefully there is something left over!

In my previous posts, I have talked about making a bird-within-a-bird recipe. Probably the best way is to see it in cross section. I am glad I took this picture because in a few moments, it was gone! This is a really good way to see all the various layers… the white chicken meat at the bottom and the goose in the middle all surrounded by various stuffings!

I have always enjoyed cooking, first because it is a life skill that all too many folks have ignored but can be learned, second because it is one of the few things that rewards you instantly for your hard work and lastly, it provides a control junkie what they really want… something that please their own particular pallet.

For those who may not know it, from Halloween to New Years Day is considered the ‘baking season.’ This is a wonderful activity to complement having to stay indoors in much of the United States… so enjoy this time by finding wonderful foods to prepare… there’s an entire world out there!

Roger Freberg