take your hubby to work day 2008


I have posted on this before, but I feel that it is one of the things that brings couples closer when they understand a little about what goes on in their ‘significant other’s’ professional life.

Taking a day to walk in the others person moccasins — so to speak — provides a lot of insight, understanding and respect for what your special person does in their day.

I like to go with Laura to visit her classes on her busiest days and today fit that category. She taught: Introduction to Psychology, Biological Psychology and Disorders in Children. We lunched together and then she sat at a table on campus handling donations for our soldiers.

Thank goodness for coffee! Thank you Laura for sharing your day.


trojan football fans get it all

... in my dreams!
... in my dreams!

Okay, I only wished this happened, but I do think it is a wonderful marketing concept and conversation starter. If people who fish lie, then ex-athletes tell some of the biggest whoppers! I can hear it now as someone gazes at the above poster size framed photo and I remark,” oh yes, they really shouldn’t have … but ol Pete Carroll sincerely wanted to recognize my enormous contributions… and ‘G’ ( athletic director Mike Garrett) wouldn’t have it any other way….”

Yep, need tall boots to put up a picture like that.

I received this picture courtesy of the fine folks at USC’s photostore. They have a lot of other fine stuff… but for some reason this one caught my eye and made me smile. Now, maybe I could turn it into a postcard for all my Bruin friends!

Fight On!

Roger Freberg