trojan football fans get it all

... in my dreams!
... in my dreams!

Okay, I only wished this happened, but I do think it is a wonderful marketing concept and conversation starter. If people who fish lie, then ex-athletes tell some of the biggest whoppers! I can hear it now as someone gazes at the above poster size framed photo and I remark,” oh yes, they really shouldn’t have … but ol Pete Carroll sincerely wanted to recognize my enormous contributions… and ‘G’ ( athletic director Mike Garrett) wouldn’t have it any other way….”

Yep, need tall boots to put up a picture like that.

I received this picture courtesy of the fine folks at USC’s photostore. They have a lot of other fine stuff… but for some reason this one caught my eye and made me smile. Now, maybe I could turn it into a postcard for all my Bruin friends!

Fight On!

Roger Freberg