eggnog my final word

eggnog my final word
eggnog my final word

Well, we talked about George Washington’s eggnog for a number of blog posts and I thought I’d post a few afterthoughts on the subject.

President Washington’s eggnog was a bit strong for the timid souls so I’d basically cut the spirits in half for those who relish a tamer drink. After all, GW was known in his time for his very strong eggnog! I’d hesitate to serve this to any group that isn’t ‘walking’ home.

Secondly, you are going to have to play the seasonings and the sugar content by ear, tasting and sampling as it ages. The problem is the GW’s basic recipe doesn’t make any allowances forĀ  what we have come to know as ‘eggnog.’

So after proper seasoning and sweetening ( I used powdered sugar)… I have to say… it was wonderful!

Roger Freberg

Here’s the recipe once again!