Karen’s Public Relations blog

Karen Frebergs Public Relations Blog
Karen Freberg's Public Relations Blog

My daughter Karen has been blogging for a number of years and has had her  own web site since she was in 7th grade. I remember it started off as a Val Kilmer fan site then evolved into a site reflecting Karen’s impressive track & field experiences ( she even had a popular web based newsletter) as a Gator and later as a Trojan while in grad school.

So, I am not too surprised that she is doing things in her field of Public Relations that draws some attention. Business week lists ‘the most active stories based on user activity’ and here is a recent mention.

Sounds like your having fun.


How we remember those we love

My daughter Karen in 1993
My daughter Karen in 1993

One thing that I never expected would happen has happened… I qualify for most senior citizen discounts. However, having reached this milestone, I find that some things get stuck in time… like how I remember my daughters.

None of my daughters are children anymore, but somehow I am like Steven Martin caught in “Father of the Bride” and I hear my little girls speak whenever they open their adult mouths. Sometimes, I actually see them as I used to and that is very disconcerting. Maybe I just see the little girls still inside … or maybe that part of them still resides in me.

So, forgive me ladies if I look at you in anyway that seems to not recognize your adult and independent status… this is more about me.


Watching you in Iraq

American Fast Food in Iraq
American Fast Food in Iraq

Oh, my adult daughters do worry that I watch over them… it seems funny to them but I do like to see what they are up to once in a while. They have a common fear that I will be watching with a ‘leafy hat’ hidden somewhere and spring out with some commandment that they ‘can’t mix their creamed potatoes with their peas’… or some such thing.

When my eldest daughter was in Iraq the first time, I was able to keep track of her by following the on-line musings of an embed reporter. She would say, “I can’t tell you where I am…” and I would interject that I knew exactly where she was and list a casual — although deliberately  vague — location that was good enough to elicit an ‘oh my god’ from her. This was priceless to me because it is not often that I can impress her.

Thanks to Google Earth. I can keep track of their general travels… the above three pictures came from Google Earth and I am sure Kristin will recognize them from her travels! 🙂

I did joke about having a subcutaneous transponder inserted into each one of them… they didn’t laugh. funny

Roger Freberg

what is in a smile ?

Only one is really me?
Only one is really me?

A little while ago, Laura passed me an interesting article on the expressiveness of one’s face. Unless you are Brad Pitt or one of the symmetrical rarities, one half of your face is generally more expressive than the other and you really don’t notice this distinctiveness until you have a little photographic fun.

First, the real me is on the far right.

The middle ‘me’ is a composite of my two most expressive sides of my face ( I look a little bit like the ‘doctor’ in Voyager) a bit too smiley for me. The far left is a composite of my less emotive side.

My real smile is also a bit different in that it occurs on the right side of my face. Like the Mona Lisa, she smiles on what some people would call the ‘wrong side’ of her face ( that is because Leonardo finished the painting of Mona Lisa looking into a mirror of his own reflection, so his smile was reversed).

Interesting? Anyway, I hope this made you smile!

Roger Freberg