two apple trees are better than one

our second apple tree
our second apple tree

Interestingly enough, I usually normally never buy trees from those mega retailers… I tend to haunt nurseries… but this one from Home depot looked fun. On the internet they don’t say many kind things about these combination trees … but each tree is a bit of history if you take the time to study them.

My tree has five varieties grafted to it: Beverly Hills, Anna, Einshimer, Fuji and Dorsett Golden Delicious. The Greenish -yellow with an orange red flush Beverly Hills apple is slightly tart that — I suspect — is probably great for apple pies; the Anna apple was developed in Israel and is yellow with a slight red blush; the Einshimer is related to the Anna; the Fuji came from Japan and is wonderful; and finally the Dorsett Golden was developed from the Golden Delicious strain in the Bahamas in 1964 and is an all purpose apple that is crisp and sweet.. So doesn’t this combination sound worthy for any garden?

The main challenge for these varieties from my readings is that most of them need a good cold snap which is no problem here in San Luis Obispo as I also grow Concord Grapes which according to the ‘experts’ cannot grow here!

Laura has already offered to give me the new tree while she keeps our existing tree for her recipes! Ha!

Roger Freberg

Here’s a nice link on everything about Apple Trees