How to make a Twitter background

My Background Image on Twitter
My Background Image on Twitter

Thanks to Karen, I have been exploring how to do background images for Twitter… who says you can’t teach old boomers new tricks?

If you’re on Facebook also get on Twitter… hey, I able to follow Pete Carroll, UPI News, and ESPN’s every breath  every day! Great Fun! Oh yeah, the background for Twitter… here’s a link I put up explaining how to make your own custom background.

Here’s my page on Twitter background step-by-step !

Have fun!

Roger Freberg

PS. Here’s a few other sites members of this family are doing: Laura’s Psychology , Laura’s BioPsych, and  Karen’s Public Relations

Celebrate all the valentines in your life!

Scallops, Shrimps with Alfredo Sauce!
Scallops, Shrimps with Alfredo Sauce!

Is this over the top? I really can’t tell!

Well, Laura loves pasta and cheese. She also adores scallops! So, what better way than to put some of her favorite food groups together for a wonderful Valentine’s meal! I am a bit tired now, so I’ll hold off posting the recipe… but let’s just say … it was wonderful! I made a special Alfredo sauce that was excellent.

This is a time not just for your special valentine … but for all the valentine’s in your life young and old. Hopefully my eldest will get something nice this weekend and my middle daughter received something today and I gave my youngest what she really wanted… chocolate!

UPDATE! Here’s a link to the recipe! enjoy!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Roger Freberg

ps. the wine wasn’t fancy, just a BV Chardonnay … but it was pefectly chilled!

on valentine’s day, cook for her

use only the best egg noodles!
use only the best egg noodles!

Cooking something special for her on Valentine’s Day is not just the mark of a truly wise man, but also not as hard as it looks. Ask yourself, what are the three primary food groups that women love? (answer: butter, noodles and cheese) Here hangs a tale and a suggestion.

One day, trying to find something his pregnant wife might enjoy, a young man went into the kitchen and made her a tasty meal consisting of a sauce made with butter and parmigiano cheese poured over egg noodles. She loved it and — as they say — the rest is history !  90 years later, ‘Fettuccine Alfredo’ is loved around the world and so easy to make! To complete the meal, chill a bottle of champagne and fix a little chocolate dessert and celebrate Valentine’s day in style.

Here’s a link at the  original restaurant that popularized this very simple but delicious meal!

Now, for our Valentine’s Day, I’ll have a few additions — but no substitutions — first, I will saute a dozen large scallops in garlic butter and wine , then place on a bed of cooked and drained noodles , then I’ll cover it all with my Alfredo-like sauce. Since I am using seafood, I want a little zip in my sauce… so here’s a peak at what else goes into it ( I’ll provide the details tomorrow):

heavy cream
Grated Parmesan, Romano and Asiago Cheeses
white pepper
sea salt
sauteed sweet onion
chives ( and for garnish)

Enjoy Valentine’s Day!

Roger Freberg

my mona lisa smile immortalized

My Mona Lisa Smile
My Mona Lisa Smile

When Laura and her editor wanted a picture of me for their book… I took a big gulp. I mean this is a textbook on Discovering Biological Psychology. This is interesting stuff… some of it is strange… interesting ,but strange, and I wondered where I was going to fit in all of this?

I guess I deserved a little uneasiness as it is a bit of payback. I will rush to her from the kitchen with those words that instill concern, “…taste this!” She’ll always look as though I am offering her something weird like ‘fresh tentacles in licorice sauce’… but then, she always smiles.

Well, like most people ( unless you are Brad Pitt )… I smile more on one side of my face than the other. So, Laura took a picture of me and created three faces… the real me, one face with two left sides (the left side was mirrored onto the right) and the last having two right sides. What resulted was  the three bears: a smiley bear, a medium bear and a reserved bear.

Good luck Laura, your book looks wonderful!

Roger Freberg

Heineken in Iraq and franchise available?

Going Dutch in Iraq!
Going Dutch in Iraq!

Remember when you heard about the ‘2 beers’ for our service people in Iraq watching the 2009 Superbowl? I thought it was very cool.

However, I did wonder what kind of beer they were drinking? Although my powers of observation are without question… this may be a single soldier with a single beer… so I expanded my search and found more pictures.

Heineken everywhere!
Heineken everywhere!

Although Heineken’s Superbowl ad was… let’s just say… a snoozer,  someone managed to get this great beer into Iraq and to our men and women serving there. Thanks.

Next time, make mine a Heineken!

Roger Freberg