Shopping can be too much fun!

Pirate booty, me hardies!
Pirate booty, me hardies!

Okay, here’s what I bought today! Okay, I know it looks bad… but a lot of this goes into what I cook and not that much into me directly. It looks expensive but it wasn’t…. it was 50 -75 % off. I won’t go into the sad ugly details, but it was due to a store closing (a local Albertsons).

There are many laws regarding the transfer of liquor from one store to another… the least of which is the store needs to be closed and it won’t be for a while…. so it goes on sale. They are obviously thinking that someone will come in to buy some wine and walk out with something that doesn’t sell… like ice cream cones. Maybe if they shrink wrapped them together only then it might sell?  🙂

Whiskey is a favorite of mine for marinating and  sautĂ©ing meat, ah… the brandy is for medicinal uses and the Tequila is for a little dessert called a “Don Julio Legandario Margarita”... maybe, you’ve heard of it?

In this economy, not a bad idea to buy smart and stockpile a few things you like when they become available.

Roger Freberg

Apple Wars

which is it, apple sauce or APPLE PIES?
which is it, apple sauce or APPLE PIES?

Laura and I enjoy each others company, which is the heart of maintaining any relationship… but it is not like we haven’t had ‘growth experiences.’ These are experiences which you are told will help you grow in maturity or intellect… but frankly, you really wanted to avoid.

January 10th, we attended a seminar along with a hoard of 350 other people at Cal Poly on the art and science of ‘tree pruning.’ I had thought this would be something that we both would enjoy and we did. However, the apple tree in question is beginning to blossom and some people ( who shall remain nameless) want to claim certain rights to certain fruit bearing branches. Hmmmmm … Apple Wars?

Well, the real issue is that I love to make and bake and enjoy apple pies ( store bought just doesn’t do it for me) and Laura loves her home made apple sauce which is also quite nice… and our recently planted 2nd tree won’t be ready for a few YEARS. You can see where the problem is… someone wants to make sauce outta my apples!!!!

I am sure we’ll work it out… but it is fun ‘discussing’ the situation.

Here’s Laura’s Apple Sauce Recipe

Here’s My apple Pie Recipe


ps. don’t forget your Valentine

Comfort food in cold weather

Everyone loves Macaroni with Cheese
Everyone loves Macaroni with Cheese

It’s cold and wet and no one wants to go outside… and days like today ( and this week from what I hear) call for Macaroni with Cheese. Laura would like some Macaroni ( Penne Pasta) with Cheese ( not all shown in this picture) for Saturday. Saturday is the one day we cook a special meal… a ‘treat’ so to speak.

Popular dishes have many folks claiming ownership and Macaroni with Cheese traces it’s lineage to Thomas Jefferson who as legend tells it brought over a macaroni mold from the continent… and the rest is history! ( Click on the picture above for  the full history and our recipe). It’s funny that no one claims to be the father or mother of tuna casserole!

Nothing like making a simple dish better.

Roger Freberg

ps. we’ll have a nice sweet wine and a great dessert on Saturday … but the main dish will be wonderful