whisper sweet Ancient Egyptian words to her on Valentine’s Day

goddess of justice

With Valentine’s Day coming up, you may be missing some of the nice, polished words that your best friend longs to hear. Obviously, if you are depending on Hallmark to write it for you, you are a dead man.

However, there are lessons from history that just might help you be the smooth guy you always wanted to be.

Here are a few of the many pearls left to us from the time of the Pharaohs:

“To hear your voice is pomegranate wine to me,

I draw life from hearing it.

Could I see you in every glance,

It would be better for me

Than to eat or drink.”


“Be you but in health and strength,

Then the nearness of your countenance

Sheds delight, by reason of your well-being,

Over a heart, which seeks you with longing.”


“Your hand in my hand,

My soul inspired

My heart in bliss,

Because we go together.”


The last poem is my obvious favorite, as Laura and I walk everyday hand-in-hand … a simple but necessary pleasure.

Happy Valentines Day ( only 11 days from today)


PS. pictured above is my favorite ancient Egyptian Goddess Ma’at whose feather was weighed against the recently deceased heart to see if they would be able to enter the land eternal. She symbolized ‘justice.’

Twitter On!

Coach Pete Carrolls Twitter background
Coach Pete Carroll's 'Twitter' background

Okay, I am a big fan of sports, married a sports fanatic and have three sports enthusiasts for daughters… life is good.

So, obviously I follow  SC football Head Coach Pete Carroll when he joined ‘twitter’... yes, I was one of the early followers. ( does that sound snooty enough?)  What I have learned about ‘twitter’ I credit to my daughter Karen ( SC athlete, record holder and masters graduate from Annenberg’s impressive PR program at SC) and… yes… Pete Carroll, himself.

Coach Carroll and his staff continue to refine and focus their image, improve their message, target their audiences and present the best product year after year. Of course, this is what SC does! They are always ‘cutting edge.’ SC finds a wonderful balance between theoretical and practical, to quote a great American Psychologist:

“the truth is what works” — William James

So I captured Coach Carroll’s background image to see how he did it… and where he has it hosted: Amazon.com!

SC continues to amaze, inform and educate me… it’s what they do!

Twitter on? Fight on!

Roger Freberg

PS. Yes, I am on ‘twitter’ ,too!