my mona lisa smile immortalized

My Mona Lisa Smile
My Mona Lisa Smile

When Laura and her editor wanted a picture of me for their book… I took a big gulp. I mean this is a textbook on Discovering Biological Psychology. This is interesting stuff… some of it is strange… interesting ,but strange, and I wondered where I was going to fit in all of this?

I guess I deserved a little uneasiness as it is a bit of payback. I will rush to her from the kitchen with those words that instill concern, “…taste this!” She’ll always look as though I am offering her something weird like ‘fresh tentacles in licorice sauce’… but then, she always smiles.

Well, like most people ( unless you are Brad Pitt )… I smile more on one side of my face than the other. So, Laura took a picture of me and created three faces… the real me, one face with two left sides (the left side was mirrored onto the right) and the last having two right sides. What resulted was  the three bears: a smiley bear, a medium bear and a reserved bear.

Good luck Laura, your book looks wonderful!

Roger Freberg