You bet your blog


Let me throw this question out for you. If you wanted to control the internet, what would be the easiest way? Well, I’d want to control the search engines. Because, if you can’t find differing points of view… then they don’t exist!

There is even a Wikipedia post on Google Censorship. However, it says nothing about how Google censors in America… which is disturbing.

In Google’s defense, they just say that they are complying with all laws. There is a lot of history that supports this approach. However, this ‘just following orders, Sir’ excuse has been the cause for much suffering in the world… askĀ  Milgram.

I dare say you won’t find this post on the Google search engine… how is it they say? Oh yes, they won’t divulge how they search ( and censor) as that is part of the super secret business model.

In the meantime… I’ll just use Yahoo.

Roger Freberg