Packing right IS rocket science!

the packaged arrived safely!
the packaged arrived safely!

Maybe it was because I moved as a child more times than I can remember. I think moving to five different second grades (yes, wise guy, all in one academic year)  taught me how to pack and travel light!

However, my children took a little longer. After her freshman year in college, Karen sent all of her stuff home in a number of large boxes without any padding. Obviously clothes were fine… but then there was the computer with the led screen. Interestingly enough, it all made it in perfect working order, although with a big dent in the back of the computer.

So, I teased poor Karen for years on her packing. Nowadays, she could work with Bekins, Allied or anyone… she is a ‘master packer.’

All of this came to play when Karen sent a few gifts home for the ‘fam’ or the ‘rents’ as some call their parents. Everything arrived perfectly and no crumbs!

Thanks again, Karen.
