delicious and extravagant gingerbread cake

Gingerbread Cake Fresh From the Oven!
Gingerbread Cake Fresh From the Oven!

There are many claims to gingerbread and gingerbread cake alike. Both the Romans and the Chinese were fond of a honey cake with ginger. In middle age Europe, gingerbread was viewed as a medicinal aid to digestion with curative powers. In pre-Christian Europe, gingerbread was part of the winter solstice ceremonies and continued on to help ring in Christmas. The ancient Greeks and the Egyptians were said to use it in their ceremonies.

William Shakespeare (1564-1616)  has often been quoted as a fan of gingerbread:

“Had I but a penny in the world, thou shouldst have it for gingerbread”

In America, gingerbread has been a favorite from the very beginning . It is said that President George Washington’s mother served gingerbread to the Marquis de Lafayette on his visit to America in 1784.

The ingredients and preparation styles of gingerbread have always reflected the times. When stoves didn’t have ovens, gingerbread was cooked very much as you would Boston Baked Bread in a container surrounded by boiling water. The availability of spices and cost considerations also limit the recipe construction. I have even found recipes for gingerbread where the addition of ginger appears to be an afterthought and much reduced.

Fortunately, we won’t bother ourselves with trivial concerns for time, effort or expense in our recipe.

Sonrisa Gingerbread Cake
Sonrisa Gingerbread Cake

By the way, Gingerbread is one of those things you can bake the day before, reheat, top with hard sauce and it’s all to the good. I will be producing a hard sauce (tomorrow) to drip over the final creation… should be fun.

Our extravagant and delicious Recipe to follow!
