make her the meal she desires on mothers day

a special day for very special people
a special day for very special people

Every mother deserves some special treatment on this special day! Laura wanted a very simple luncheon of artichoke, my spicy and cheesy bread sticks and a nice dessert. The only challenge for me was that our Marinara sauce takes hours and hours, so it was a pedal to the metal to get this simple meal ready! Laura loved it and that’s all that matters.

Happy Mothers’ day!

Roger Freberg

forgotten Russian Gift to America

Russian Sympathy Card to American People
Russian Sympathy Card to American People

When you click on the picture above you will see a wonderful story about a symbolic gift given to America from the Russian People in sympathy for 911.

I don’t have to wonder why this didn’t play in the major media… but I am very sad that it didn’t.

Thank you,

Roger Freberg

skype me, baby!

Skype is just plain fun!
Skype is just plain fun!

Video internet technology a decade or so ago was very disappointing ….and that is possibly the reason I stayed away from communication tools that incorporated audio with video over the phone or the internet. I found it all distracting.

However, Laura and Karen finally talked me into buying a Skype headset ( they already had theirs).

So, sitting at my computer , what appears as an instant message pops up from Karen asking me to chat with her on Skype. Soon, I figured things out and up pops a very clear and smooth video of Karen and one of me to her. If you look close enough at the picture above, there is also a P.I.P. ( picture in a picture) of me and Laura taking a photo of my first Skyping experience.

In our ‘plug and play’ world, getting the Skype experience was as easy as downloading the free software and connecting to one’s friends… it was very cool and easy (click on Karen’s picture above and you’ll get transported directly to Skype). I am into easy when I have a choice.

I don’t know why I put it off so long.

Roger Freberg

kindle dx has finally got it together

Kindle DX
Kindle DX

I hadn’t been impressed with Kindle before… but with the larger screen, longer battery length, free wireless  and all my books backed up at … I don’t think there is a better way.

Don’t get me wrong, I still love my old books as you can feel the history… but for current newspapers, magazines, texbooks and light reading… it looks great!

Roger Freberg

Cal Poly lets the dogs (clowns) out! woof! woof! woof!

The Cal Poly university administrators have had their hands whacked a few times by the likes of  F.I.R.E. ( foundation for individual rights in education) and they don’t like it. They have been warned and they know they can’t directly do ‘business as usual.’  In fact, Cal Poly has been given F.I.R.E.’s worst rating: red.  They seem to be getting smarter, they have found a new way to insulate themselves from criticism and apparently ‘work behind the scenes.’

As a refresher, Cal Poly likes to run — in my humble opinion — fast and loose with the letter of the law. They seem to believe that they can whack you right up until the point you take them to federal court … and they have to roll over. In the meantime, they wasted lots of taxpayer money, time and become a national embarrassment. So famous is their aging  President Warren Baker that he was awarded the ignominious U.S. News and World Report ‘Sheldon” award in 2003! This has been a long standing problem.

The saga continues with the establishment of CARE-net, a nice sounding name for allowing anonymous allegations concerning fellow students and faculty. Setting up a virtual ‘court system’ for the university to put students and faculty (expressing their constitutionally protected free speech)through an unconscionable ordeal just sounds wrong! This reminds me of the unofficial Cal Poly motto “we reward compliance and not achievement.” Unfortunately it shows.  READ:

Snitch Studies at Cal Poly: We Snare Because We Care

Just when you thought things were getting better.

Roger Freberg


Fire’s Letter to Cal Poly’s Warren Baker!

…..the end? or the beginning?