Cal Poly lets the dogs (clowns) out! woof! woof! woof!

The Cal Poly university administrators have had their hands whacked a few times by the likes of  F.I.R.E. ( foundation for individual rights in education) and they don’t like it. They have been warned and they know they can’t directly do ‘business as usual.’  In fact, Cal Poly has been given F.I.R.E.’s worst rating: red.  They seem to be getting smarter, they have found a new way to insulate themselves from criticism and apparently ‘work behind the scenes.’

As a refresher, Cal Poly likes to run — in my humble opinion — fast and loose with the letter of the law. They seem to believe that they can whack you right up until the point you take them to federal court … and they have to roll over. In the meantime, they wasted lots of taxpayer money, time and become a national embarrassment. So famous is their aging  President Warren Baker that he was awarded the ignominious U.S. News and World Report ‘Sheldon” award in 2003! This has been a long standing problem.

The saga continues with the establishment of CARE-net, a nice sounding name for allowing anonymous allegations concerning fellow students and faculty. Setting up a virtual ‘court system’ for the university to put students and faculty (expressing their constitutionally protected free speech)through an unconscionable ordeal just sounds wrong! This reminds me of the unofficial Cal Poly motto “we reward compliance and not achievement.” Unfortunately it shows.  READ:

Snitch Studies at Cal Poly: We Snare Because We Care

Just when you thought things were getting better.

Roger Freberg


Fire’s Letter to Cal Poly’s Warren Baker!

…..the end? or the beginning?