the apples are not quite ready

The apples are ripening... but alas, not fast enough!
The apples are ripening... but alas, not fast enough!

I had hoped to have at least one apple pie in the oven by now, but our tree is a bit of a trickster. It looked like it was about to produce more than I could imagine and quickly, then suddenly, it slowed down. As we say in Marketing, this is the part of the ‘vertical integration process’ of our organization that fails to make its deadlines! I find trees so unpredictable.

My basic Apple Pie and Apple Sauce Recipe

As for recipes, I enjoy our more ‘natural style’ but this year I think I am going to produce pies with a thicker and more abundant syrup but maintaining the relative seasoning and sauteing.

ready for the oven!
ready for the oven!

yum! Apple Pie season for me is almost here!

Roger Freberg