my life in ruins — the movie

00aTearJerkerThere is a scene in this wonderfully fun movie that… has romance, a bad guy, action and genuine sentiment. The scene pictured above is of Richard Dryfus  ( Irv) kissing his wife’s hand and as corny as it might appear out of context… it was moving and sweet.

Here’s a link to read about the movie.

They have a nice quiz on Facebook, which interestingly enough told me I was the goddess “Hera”… oddly enough, there were no god choices! 🙂

See it with someone you love.


Many nice thoughts from Greece

a real Greecian Treasure
a real Grecian Treasure

My family was very kind and sympathetic and it would be unkind if I did not take the time to thank them for their interesting gifts.

Laura picked up some Pistachios fro the Island of Aegina for me. Aegina is the home of the best Pistachios in the world… and since I make the best Baklava in the world ( according to them), then I must have the best Pistachios!!! I can hardly wait to make more!

Kristin surprised me with a number of unexpected gifts. I could never guess that she would buy me such interesting things. ‘Things’ that sent me to the internet to discover their history and left me fascinated! She found for me a signet ring used by an obviously high and mighty official in the Ottoman empire to sign his documents… very nice. I look more impressive now.  Karen and Kristin bought me some great cook books… I especially want to try the Mousaka!

It’s nice to be remembered… thank you ladies.
