3 more for the freezer


Did I ever tell you we had only one apple tree? It feels like an entire orchard based on it’s personal production capacity. The scary part for me is that I have planted a second tree.

So, every other day I pick, peal, core and slice apples for either apple sauce (boOo!) or apple pies (yaaAy!). These three apple pies are fairly special with a unique and yummy topping of walnuts, pistachios, and almonds prepared with different textures. I ground some to add as a base to the cinnamon, sugar and butter topping… while others were ‘carmelized.’

So, all of my preparing has had an unwanted side effect in gaining a few pounds… so it’s back on Jenny Craig a few weeks more… then… woah! apple pie ala mode!

Roger Freberg

when apple trees turn scary!


Apple season has a different time frame depending on where in California you are. For example:

Northern California Apple Season:  25 July – 30 November

Southern California Apple Season: 15 July – 25 September

San Luis Obispo is half way in between and sometimes worlds apart. I do think our Apple Tree which produces much of the year is a bit different. This season we have been swamped with apples… and I am seeing a ‘second season’ appearing with the beginning of new blossoms!

In any event, tomorrow is  making apple pie day… more pies! more pies!

Roger Freberg

can you really have too much applesauce?


Laura loves applesauce and I love apple pies. We have a real division of labor… I have the pleasure of pealing, coring , adding the cinnamon sticks, seas salt and lemon juice… with Laura adding the final seasoning and brown sugar to her taste … after all, she’s the one who will enjoy it!

I wonder if you can have too many apples? We’ve been making Laura’s apple sauce recipe constantly! I think Laura has enough apple sauce until the next season… however, I have seen new blossoms blooming again!

Seems like I will get an entire freezer for apple pies after all!

Roger Freberg

what have they done to my rice krispies?


I am not a health nut… I enjoy butter, cane sugar, prefer cream in my coffee and I enjoy cooking yummy things designed to bring a smile. However, on occasion, I use a few already prepared products as a short cut and I was astonished to discover that high fructose corn syrup was an ingredient in my Rice Krispies! When did all of this happen? The fact is… I like to avoid ‘high fructose corn syrup’ and I will leave it to  the scientists to explain why.

It doesn’t take a genius to realize that if two rats given equal calories and the only difference is that the rat getting ‘high fructose corn syrup’ becomes obese… well, maybe that is what is really happening to us!

It’s becoming harder and harder to shop in the grocery store… time for ordinary folks to learn that cooking requires more than a microwave… unless you like those larger sizes.

Roger Freberg