social media addiction?

Do you need Twitter-Craig?
Do you need Twitter-Craig?

A little known subject for study is the threat of social media on the very fabric of western civilization…. or so they tell us. This goes along with the supposed threat of video games turning our children into ninja assassins and the supposed wonders of bike helmets saving our lives when we run into a semi tractor trailer hitting us at 45 mph. There have always been folks who like to ruin what most of us call ‘fun’  … including making us wear stupid bike helmets which may help you if you run into something no larger than a bee.

Social media has been a wonderful way to communicate with others as well as following the activities of those who wish to share what they do. As a fan of sports and communication, it has been fun to follow the ‘tweets’ of SC football coach Pete Carroll or Twitter’s “Ev”… although these two energized folks make coffee nervous. The truth is that you better like what folks say if you follow them… because they might send you 13 tweets in one day! Besides, like all things …you learn to manage your world.

On a personal note, it is really nice to communicate with family and view their lives ( as they communicate with others and post photos) discretely.

So my advice to fellow Boomers, get on Facebook and slowly — in a phenomenological way — expand your universe to include that which otherwise you might miss in your busy lives. It’s worth the effort.

Let the kid in you never grow up.

Roger Freberg

PS. remember on this diet, you can have all the ‘tweets’ you want!