a better snack bar


Almost everyone remembers making some sort of snack bars growing up. Either it was a ‘Rice Krispie treats’, Smoores or a more exotic fruit bar that made everyone smile. Remembering those days, we started thinking about making a better bar.

Many folks today enjoy a snack bar of some sort, but be careful to read the label as some contain ingredients which are not always the best for you in the long run. Personally, I like to avoid high fructose corn syrup which is appealing to many in that it is cheaper than regular cane sugar and 70% sweeter…. but it has drawn some serious questions. Now it is only a correlation, but obesity in America took off just about the same time as high fructose corn syrup became the mainstream sugar of choice for manufacturers. However, by making stuff yourself , you can avoid a lot of this ( although — admittedly — some items in this recipe contain questionable ingredients  … but I am working on substitutes for them as well).

Here is our high fiber, Bran and peanut butter snack bar recipe-in-progress!

I also want to keep the eventual snack portions about 130 calories each and add nuts and chocolate when I am done. I am even toying with a sweet Coffee snack… we’ll see where this adventure takes us!

Oh yes, it’s good!

Roger Freberg