california midstate fair and researching apple flaps

Mom & Dad at the midstate fair in Paso Robles, California
Mom & Dad at the midstate fair in Paso Robles, California

The California Midstate Fair in Paso Robles is always a delight. Although it is a far cry from the Houston Livestock and Rodeo show that left such a big impression on me as a young man, it still has it’s charm. Everything from the ‘pig races’ , the judges sampling local preserves and cookies to the concerts and animals makes it feel like an old fashioned country fair. I love that!

My continuing research into the history and tradition of ‘Dutch apple flaps’ is on-going. I finally consulted with a couple from the Netherlands who we have known for 32 years on a ‘definitive’ recipe. They were kind enough to send 3 variations. Added to this two cookbooks Karen brought back from Amsterdam, the internet and plain ol trial and error and I think I’ll have something worked up before Karen comes to visit in the middle of next month!

Back to picking apples!

Roger Freberg