apple pies all year long?

Is there anything wrong with having apple pies all year long?
Is there anything wrong with having apple pies all year long?

I know that it sounds like I am getting a bit obsessed about apples, but this years crop has been plentiful and wonderful. There is something about a healthy tree that seems to take care of itself without a lot of intervention. No longer do I have to sneak out and grab the apples in the dead of night before Laura is aware of what is happening to ‘her’ apples… and as I have written… there are more blossoms and more apples on the way!

I plan to keep about a dozen pies on hand and give away an equal amount… which is something I haven’t been able to do in the past… that’s called ‘sharing.’ So far, everyone seems to enjoy them.

So I am wondering for the first time in my life if I will find having  apple pies all year long a bit boring?  I guess if I wash it down with some home made french vanilla ice cream it won’t be too bad? 😉

Roger Freberg