spinach, liver and tripe

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I think humankind has always fluctuated between starvation and indulgence, which probably explains why so many folks who start a diet  often bounce. Laura varies an incredible 2 lbs from day to day and her ability to maintain her weight after losing 80 pounds is remarkable. I am not so lucky.

For me, thankfully, I do not gain all my weight back as that would be very discouraging. Instead, I begin to creep up in weight until I absolutely must become strict and take it off. This is the way I manage such things. Since I love to cook, I enjoy my culinary experiences until I have to go cold turkey on Jenny Craig for a few weeks…. and take a ride in the fresh air.

Fortunately for me both apple pie and Baklava is in my future!

One of my mother’s favorite meals is ‘tripe’. Tripe is not without its detractors. You may remember from Harry Potter, Ron Weasley discussed the strange flavors that Bertie Bott’s “Every flavor Beans” contained… including: “spinach, liver and tripe.” If you have eaten a hot dog, you’ve had tripe plus a lot more interesting things.

So what I have seen in doing a little research on the subject of tripe is a varied account. Tripe is loved in many parts of the world including central and south America where it is called Mondongo’. The biggest problem I can see with a meal of tripe is in the preparation. Tripe is often not prepared correctly or cooked long enough. However, I am working on it and I’ll have something to show you next month. Here’s a preview:


Roger Freberg