fun with apple flap recipes

Dad's Apple Flaps
Dad's Apple Flaps

If ‘nothin says lovin like somethin from the oven‘ then Apple Flaps are near the top of my list! There are a few different ways to make this treat as they are sometimes fried or baked, I prefer baking. Sometimes the apples are mixed into the dough and sometimes they are a filling, I prefer a filling.

I use my standard  apple pie filling recipe  in this pocket dessert and you can use a puff pastry or a standard pie crust. After a little trial, I like a little of the syrup in the flap, but too much will ooze everywhere. Painting with an egg mixed with water over the top is a nice way to hold some natural raw crystalline sugar on top! And yes, it is as good as it looks!  😉

Karen was the inspiration for this with her trip to Amsterdam and Dutch friends Jacques and Kitty helped when I asked for recipes… along with cookbooks from Karen…

So these two are awaiting Karen when she comes home shortly !


what is making America fatter? you may be surprised

one will probably make you fatter faster!
one will probably make you fatter faster!

Do you ever wonder why you eat the same things as you have always eaten, but somehow you are getting fatter? At first you might be thinking,”I am getting older and the old metabolism is slowing down, so the calories are just sticking around.” Although this may be true to some point, the latest research points to something that may be far more disturbing.

Interestingly enough, if you compare when America started going into the ‘plus sizes’ and the advent of high fructose corn syrup becoming universally accepted in the food industry, there is a correlation. Although correlations do not prove causality, this is far and away an ‘early warning sign’ that can’t be ignored. Check your pantry and see what doesn’t have HFCS in it and you will be surprised! It was even in my prized RICE KRISPIES!

Laura wrote a post a while ago with a link to a site that demonstrates that in two sets of animals given identical calorie diets, those fed high fructose corn syrup got obese and those with plain sugar did not. Here’s part of Laura’s enlightening blog:

American Like Their SweetsAmerican Like Their Sweets

In 2005, the average American consumed nearly 30 kg (66 pounds) of HFCS, as corn is heavily subsidized by the federal government, making corn products unusually cheap. In addition to being suspected of  contributing to America’s obesity epidemicproducts containing HFCS also have high levels of reactive carbonyls not found in table sugar. Carbonyls have been implicated in tissue damage, such as nerve damage and foot ulcers, in diabetes.

Thank you , Laura… as someone struggling with diabetes and ‘drug free’… staying away from HFCS is more than a choice, it is a necessity.

Fortunately food marketers are starting to get the message, in part, and as the comparison between two popular maple syrups attests… one contains HFCS and the other does not. Guess which one I am buying now and they were both on my shelf!

Good luck and good dieting to all! Oh yeah, let me plug  Jenny Craig... it worked for me!

Roger Freberg