lobster thermidor for when only the best will do

lobster thermidor for Laura's birthday!
lobster thermidor for Laura's birthday!

Laura and I have been around each other for 40 years and I wanted this years birthday to be a little special, including all of the things that she enjoys with every culinary desire satisfied. Laura loves a good lobster thermidor and now-a-days it is very easy to make it yourself.

Here is my recipe

You may be surprised that Lobster Thermidor is sometimes served in a pastry shell… but most men like their dinner to come to them fully edible! 😉 Like all great marvels, lobster thermidor is based on culinary work of the giants of the past as well as timing and a bit of luck!

Roger Freberg

“Hats” off to chef Antonin Careme and chef Auguste Escoffier whose written work inspired this direction.