ye best cooks have some pirate blood

that be pirate cookies, matey!
that be pirate cookies, matey!

Aye learned told long ago that many o’ th’ best chefs an’ cooks had a wee bit o’ seafarin’ hearty blood in them! Some might say that they be willin’ t’ throw the’r ethics t’ th’ wind an’ `steal` a recipe or two.

However, I be thinkin’ what be really goin’ on be th’ continual thirst fer ideas an’ a new perspective on on th’ horizon!  Fresh sassy ideas an’ new ships are worthy plunder!

Me recipes be nay fer th’ fainthearted as they require a lot o’ work, many more ingredients an’ much more time t’ prepare than most swabbies be willin’ t’ spend. I be havin’ t’ say though  th’ final result be ample reward fur th’ journey.

Recently one sea dog around these waters tried t’ steal me recipe fer  Gingerbread cookies. However, aye recaptured me scuttled notes an’ I be now makin’ th’ requested cookies fer me lass Kristin in Iraq.

`Tis clear sailin’  fer me cookies now, matey.

