what does the chef have that is new?

Corned Beef Pie is perfect for fall and winter!
Corned Beef Pie is perfect for fall and winter!

There isn’t anyone who hasn’t spent time around the kitchen that hasn’t heard from clients, patrons or family members the often chilling call …”what do YOU have that’s NEW??”

Currently, I am looking at various approaches to birds in pies… a fowl concept indeed!

Rather than look for questionable combination’s utilizing exotic items and creating ‘tentacles with licorice sauce’ … I prefer to look at improvements on an old favorite.  I don’t know too many people that don’t enjoy a meat pie of some sort… and I am very much a fan of corned beef…. even Laura loves it.

Here again is the recipe and step by step directions.

I thought about ‘something new’ as I was looking through the freezers and found — misfiled — one of my corned beef pies! Finding buried treasure can be fun … and delicious!


where stupidity is an artform – Cal Poly


When I am not blogging about things I love, I throw a few well deserved bricks at Cal Poly. Over the years, Cal Poly has received much well deserved national attention as a leader in squashing student rights that are clearly protected by the constitution. However, when it comes to throwing students out of school for rioting, drugs and such … they show a remarkable tolerance.

Nothing so clearly demonstrates the collision of cultures better than a recent story about a young underage male coming to the rescue of his underage alcohol boozing roommate only to get arrested himself… and then having the additional problem of possession of cocaine. Interestingly enough, the youngins didn’t understand ‘the problem.’ Oh yes, we have had the rioting and excessive partying completing the full academic experience.

Cal Poly has had a couple of deaths this academic year I believe, maybe more, I haven’t kept score, from ‘alcohol related instances’ as they call them. Local hospitals report an alarming number of college age youth coming in severely ‘impaired.’ Nothing of this is a surprise and — from what I can see — nothing is happening at Cal Poly… or likely will ever be.

I remember on one site that discussed colleges, one experienced allegedly Cal Poly student wrote,” Cal Poly is a great choice because school won’t interfere with your social life.” I wonder how many parents would be thrilled to read this?

This overt behavior can be addressed, but it takes the ‘will’ to stop it… and it takes more than a Cal Poly ‘wink.’ It takes a real commitment to excellence.

The world is a lot more serious and competitive place now, it’s time that Cal Poly grows up and face it.

Roger Freberg

Here’s a link to one very sad event.

ENTJ seeks INTJ for happiness


A while back, I looked at the universal question: “Can an INTJ and and ENTJ ever find love and  happiness?”

Since the time I wrote this blog nearly 3 years ago, this  continues to be a favorite with people visiting my site over and over. We do know relationships are very important to people, and why some relationships work and others dissolve is the elusive 64 million dollar question. So much time and effort has been given to analyzing why relationships fail, and far too little effort has been made to understanding why some relationships work. I believe, it is often more helpful in studying why things work.

I decided to see what folks were saying about this age old question and there is much to read for those interested.

Here’s an interesting site that after you slug through the graphs yourself a few truisms pop out that might surprise you. One thing popped out, almost everyone is happy with s0meone pretty much like themselves. And it should not be surprising that people with similar personalities gravitate together…

However, I was most interested in how the  INTJ (Laura) and the ENTJ (Roger) paired up. Were there any surprises?  Here is part of a cautionary statement:

“Similarly, Intuitive Thinking types (ENTP, INTP, ENTJ, INTJ) have only a 59% satisfaction rate when paired with another Intuitive Thinker. These types tend to be among the most critical of their partners and may be harder to please in general.”

As I mentioned in the post three years ago, it is how we (individually and as a couple) address our areas of potential conflict that ultimately measures the extent of our compatibility. Knowing that we — or others — may be hard to please and even critical at times might cause us to pause and fully assess the impact we may have in releasing an instinctive salvo! What is important is not our differences, but our willingness to work together.

What I found most interesting was they types of personalities that attracted both personalities. The INTJ and the ENTJ are compatible with people who share all but one factor:

INTJ with  INTP, INFP, INFJ and oddly enough the ENTJ

ENTJ with ENTP, ENFP, ENFJ and also with another ENTJ

Outside of the consistent difference in the extrovert/introvert factor ( the I or the E), both personality types prefer people who might be explained this way:

the N : “Intuitives tend to be more abstract in their perceptions, and tend to think more about meaning, connections, and possibilities. Intuitives are often more imaginative than realistic.”

the F: “Feelers prefer decisions that are consistent with their values and help to build harmonious relationships.”

the J: “Judgers tend to prefer structure, schedules, and plans. They like clear expectations and feel accomplishment from completing tasks.”

the P: “Perceivers prefer an open-ended, spontaneous and flexible existence. They enjoy feeling that their options are open and that there are many possibilities available.”

These are broad definitions, but do point to some interesting dynamics between ENTJ’s and INTJ’s.

So, with all these similarities and with an INTJ that already is predisposed to like him  😉 … how can an ENTJ resist?


finding all the nuts you need!

another happy nutsonline.com customer!
another happy nutsonline.com customer!

There are a lot of nice things about living in small town America… except for lower prices, selection and availability of certain exotic products like ….  food, clothing and gasoline.

Fortunately for us living in the back and beyond, there is the internet. It is our window on the world and our way to connecting with all the things and people we love. Laura my bride of 37 years is very partial to Brazil nuts… I mean… who isn’t?  My daughter Karen is also… she wants to make up some Baklava with some! (It should be a very meaty Baklava) In our neck of the woods you are lucky to find Brazil nuts in a can of mixed nuts… otherwise they are very scarce! So, I found a way to make everyone happy and be easy on my pocketbook.

Here is my secret for all things nutty…. a third generation family business… how cool is that!

Nuts on Line!

So, with the Olympics set for Brazil and the Reputation Institute’s next Conference in Rio… what better way to celebrate these events than to enjoy a Brazil nut… or two.

As they say, one is too many and a million is not enough!

Roger Freberg