what computer wallpaper choice is on your desktop?


I looked around the net to see if anyone was researching why people put certain things on their computer desktops and found very little… unless I was planning to download ( yeah, right!) a free or pay for a themed desktop wall paper! Maybe this is –as they say — an ‘under researched area’ – but it seems curious to me to see what folks put up on there computers. It must say something about the person?

However, there are some similarities in what people think others use their wall paper for… and her are some of the reasons stated:

1) to remember and celebrate an occasion

The fact that Laura and I appear in a photo together on Ronald Reagan’s Ranch seems to support the idea.

2) to create a restful state of mind

I don’t know if I would use a picture to ‘relax’… but I have seen others do so. I always thought a good Armagnac was useful to relax.

3) to state who you are, provide inspiration or reflect your particular interests

I agree with this. This is your chance to to customize that piece of electronic commodity.  A wallpaper should give folks a glimpse into who you are, what you do and a bit about how you think… that may be asking a lot of a wallpaper… but my  Scallops Alfredo’ says it all to me! 😉

So, what’s on your computer?

Roger Freberg