nothin like homemade blueberry jam


Not a lot of folks make their own jams and jellies anymore… and this is too bad because the homemade stuff is well worth the little time, effort and practice to make it right.

Blueberry jam isn’t exactly on the top of most shoppers lists, but it should be as it is wonderfully delicious and as my daughter Karla informs me,”Blueberries are very healthy too.” ( That is, if you ignore the large amount of sugar that goes into the process)

The basic recipes are easy and they come with any package of  Sure-Jel or equivalent ( this is pectin which adds the body to the mixture). You might consider adding a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice and a bit more sugar… but it is a very nice set of simple recipes.

In the meantime,  Karla is happy to have some Blueberry Jam in the house.

Roger Freberg