what ya got against the weather?

censorlocallySmall papers are often buffeted by the desire to please their major advertisers and provide news… all the while selling papers… which of course — for many –is what it is all about.

However, over the years I have noticed and heard from others how subtle the censorship can be. Most of us have witnessed large stories going uncovered, but if you write a letter to the editor, you may find yourself edited for the darnest things. My wife wrote a tongue-in-cheek letter that with all the editing came out more serious in tone than intended. Laura was responding to a series of letters that bashed one political party or another.

Her letter related the research from the Pew folks, a decidedly left-of-center group that reported –oddly enough — that in their survey Republicans ‘liked the weather better.’ Now, this doesn’t sound inflammatory to me … but this harmlessly looking phrase – like many others – was removed.

It does get one to wonder not why newspapers censor… but why they do so selectively.

In the marketplace of ideas, real free speech is important.

Roger Freberg

what’s your personality?

what's your personality?
what's your personality?

The BBC always has some sort of interesting test and when you are married to a mad scientist, you end up taking every sort of psychological test there is. This is the grown up version of going to the mall with your girlfriend… except she is a Psychologist.

Here is a  fun test to take with those you love. Where are they high and low? Does it sound like them?

It is always interesting to have a peak into ones soul so to speak…


home on thanksgiving

home on Thanksgiving
home on Thanksgiving

It’s always fun to travel and see new places and do new things… but on the holidays, especially Thanksgiving, nothing says it better than being at home somewhere. A lot to be thankful …

a simple turkey cooked on it's breast to keep the white meat moist and tender... 'self basting'
a simple turkey cooked on it's breast to keep the white meat moist and tender... 'self basting'

My daughters will all be home this year at Christmas … doesn’t happen much, so we soak them in.

Happy Thanksgiving,


Karla’s 15 minutes of fame

Karla was very excited to see her drawing used!
Karla was very excited to see her drawing used!

Karla loves the internet and drawing, it fits with her overall interest in the world around her. Naturally, when she noticed a young reporter using one of  her illustrations for his story, you can imagine how excited and happy she became. The entire family received repeated emails about the event!

We gave Karla her own  domain to post her drawings and she is catching on to the entire web design thing as well fairly quickly.

Congratulations Karla.

By the way, Karla’s big sister Karen (nick named by her ‘the poodle’) was an athlete at SC and previously Florida and drew lots of Trojans!

One of the many variety of Trojans Karla has drawn! ( Karen the fighting poodle?)
One of the many variety of Trojans Karla has drawn! ( Karen the fighting poodle?)


Rule 1: to be happy, marry the right person


Laura and I have very fond memories of the USC and UCLA rivalry, because in 1969 it was our first date. We were high school seniors and as such my pockets were virtually always empty,I was very excited about  tickets arriving  from both schools for THE big game. I needed only a little money for gas and a couple of meals at Bob’s Big Boy on Colorado Boulevard and I was set. So, I borrowed the family car, dipped into my frugal collection of coins and off we went. The rest as they say is history.

No relationship is perfect, even the very long married will tell you that, but what they will also say is that they remember the good times and celebrate in big ways and small the special events in their lives as a couple. Three years ago, I  wrote about a particularly long lived couple married over 80 years and what they attributed to their mutual long living attraction and love. Laura also  blogged sweetly about the date… so what’s a guy to do?

Not every woman would enjoy a football game on her first date with a new guy, but fortunately, Laura did and maybe that has been the secret of a long relationship… mutual interests, positive shared experiences and the joy of just being around the other person.

Thank you, Laura for everything.
