scan me baby!

"My wife Laura's MRI brain scan"
"My wife Laura's MRI brain scan"

Have you ever wondered what makes your wife tick?

Over the years, I have made it my life’s work to try to understand the complexities of the female minds in my life. Admittedly, I need all the help I can get. Albert Einstein offered the following amusing quote:

“Some men spend a lifetime in an attempt to comprehend the complexities of women. Others pre-occupy themselves with somewhat simpler tasks, such as understanding the theory of relativity.”

Recently, Laura had the opportunity to take some students down to theĀ  MRI Lab at UCSB and had herself scanned! Laura was happy to find that she was ‘normal’, but we could have told her that! However, I thought she was quite the ‘student’ to continue her investigation into herself!

It is all so impressive to me,
