and what is in your turkey this year?

Thanksgiving is one of the few universally enjoyed holidays in America and the ‘turkey’ is the star. Americans so love this bird that even Benjamin Franklin lobbied for the turkey rather than the eagle as our national bird! Although I do enjoy a plain bird with stuffing, on special occasions there is so much more we can do! I have prepared turkeys in all sorts of ways and there is nothing like a large bird to open the eyes of all the men gathered around! My oven limits what I can cook and a 44 lb was my largest. The size of the bird is one factor, but the flavor of many birds is quite an experience.

There is the  TURDUCKEN and it’s many variations. The bird within a bird recipe goes back hundreds of years and I think the record goes back to medieval France with 15 birds in one recipe. This year, we will prepare a simple bird for our Thanksgiving, but during Christmas time while everyone is home it will be a Turducken with a twist. This year we will use: a turkey, a goose, a duck (2) and a chicken along with a wonderful stuffing for each. Obviously, the turkey stuffing will have sausages, including everyone’s favorite… ‘pheasant sausage!’

Is it time to make it yet?
