food for thought

food4thought 001

I remember with great fondness those people in my life who brought food to a gathering. Their unspoken generosity was always endearing. I particularly remember teachers and coaches who would celebrate an occasion or emphasize a lesson by breaking bread with the rest of us. What always amazed me is that I remembered everything and took a lot more away with me from the situation than I expected. That day, I would learn a lot and it would always bring a smile.

In our family, we have always found the best social lubricant is great food. Only the most stubbornly obstinate would not smileĀ  over a piece of Baklava or a nutty-fudgy-brownie! So besides bringing chocolate for Halloween my three teachers (Laura and Karen … and Kristin soon) sometimes accentuate the positive in class with a sweet something.

Pictured above are wonderful brownies that Laura is taking to her honors students in Psychology class today.

Thanks to all the teachers who make this difference.
