beer commercials just gotta be fun

beer commercials need to be fun... if not funny!
beer commercials need to be fun... if not funny!

One of the fun things about having intelligent daughters is that they keep my brain active. My daughters have always been able to kept my pulse raising, increase my worry & anxiety and fray my nerves… and yes, my they have kept my brain limber.

This summer,  Karen made a presentation to the Reputation Institute on the poorly received 2009 Superbowl commercial. It’s was like showing up to a party with a unhappy pet skunk. Heineken’s message was laudable, but the placement in the Superbowl was ill conceived. Fortunately for Heineken, most people tuned out the commercial and when asked later about what they saw, few people reported seeing anything about Heineken.

Anyway, this provided endless discussion on Skype and eventually Karen took her idea and developed a great project. In the meantime, I took my favorite cartoon character “Dilbert” and made a better commercial… IMHO. I looked up at my drawing and it still makes me smile.

Thanks girls for always making me think… and smile.
