looking forward to 2010

Here's Looking at 2010
Here's Looking at 2010

I guess I am the perpetual optimist because I always look forward to the next year, next birthday and even the next football season…. even though my teams suffered a bit this year.

This is a special holiday season for me… getting everyone together in this busy world is often challenging at best.

So, Happy Holidays to all and a wonderful 2010.


we are all so different

Karla has a humourous take on differences in personality
Karla has a humourous take on differences in personality

Our daughter Karla has an innocent sense of humor that isn’t too often far from the mark. However, don’t think it weak of me, but I also found the ‘dipping of the shoe’ unsettling in ‘Who framed Roger Rabbit”, too.

Thanks Karla, you made me smile.
