first rain in california

a beautiful rainy day

California rains are a bit different than I have experienced in the north and in the south. When rain comes here, it never rains very hard by comparison but it will last for a week or so. What we really want to have in our three growing seasons is an ‘intermittent rain’. Rain followed by sunshine then rain and more sunshine works well for California’s crops… even those grown in our national forests. 😉

There is a quiet beauty on a California rainy day.


baking ahead for Saint Paddy’s Day

keeping the spirit of Saint Paddy's Day alive!

Last year I posted my corned beef pie recipe and it generated much discussion.  Meat pies are very popular everywhere the British land and pop up often at picnics and special occasions. Most American’s are unfamiliar with any corned beef pie and this is why it is so special.

Laura remarked that she thought a corned beef pie appeals to women’s almost inherent desire for carbohydrates, vegetables and pastry, while men love the sheer meaty satisfaction. It’s hard for almost anyone to leave a meal of corned beef pie unsatisfied. The key to making a great corned beef pie is using the best corned beef ( I make my own), the best vegetables, a great gravy and a perfect crust!

This pie is now nicely tucked away … but I am sure I’ll have to make many more!


Sea Turtles, matey!

Making a great bisque takes time, patience and quality ingredients
I wanted to make something special for my daughter Kristin. She loves those wonderful bread bowls filled with chowder or bisque. Personally, I prefer a bisque which has a smoother and less ‘extended’ composition. My bisques are basically pureed seafood with cream, brandy and wine,  mirapoix and thickened with rice.

Sauteing the seafood helps to extract the many and wonderful flavors and I use my favorite seasonings along with Thyme and Rosemary. Recipe to follow.

Roger Freberg

PS. I dedicate this to my daughter Kristin and Lane Kiffen the new Head Coach of the Sc Trojans! FIGHT ON!!!!

Jenny Craig and resolutions

KSBY interview at Jenny Craig
3 years ago, our family started on a unique journey, we joined  Jenny Craig. Today, one of our local television stations — KSBY — caught up with us to interview folks about their new year’s resolutions. Between us we lost a rather large football player. Although this holiday season I jumped up a little bit in weight, I am still a shadow of where I started… and a long way from the original 427 when I was lifting. Of course, Jenny will help me take off this year’s holiday indulgence.

Laura talked about how much fun it was to wear a size 4 rather than a 16 and Karen likes to be mistaken for a basketball or volleyball player rather than the All-American and Southern Cal record holder in the women’s shot put. Kristin likes the fact that Jenny helps keep her weight under control to meet or exceed army standards. I like the fact that my ‘fat pants’ are size 36 rather than 46.

Once we reach our goal weight and find a comfortable range to stay in, then ‘maintenance ‘ isn’t much of a problem and Jenny helps with that as well. Jenny isn’t as much a resolution as accepting a more healthy lifestyle… and we enjoy our indulgences so much more!

Being on Jenny means you still can have wonderful meals... and you'll enjoy them more!
Being on Jenny Craig means you can still have feasts... just not as often and you will enjoy them far more!
