baking ahead for Saint Paddy’s Day

keeping the spirit of Saint Paddy's Day alive!

Last year I posted my corned beef pie recipe and it generated much discussion.  Meat pies are very popular everywhere the British land and pop up often at picnics and special occasions. Most American’s are unfamiliar with any corned beef pie and this is why it is so special.

Laura remarked that she thought a corned beef pie appeals to women’s almost inherent desire for carbohydrates, vegetables and pastry, while men love the sheer meaty satisfaction. It’s hard for almost anyone to leave a meal of corned beef pie unsatisfied. The key to making a great corned beef pie is using the best corned beef ( I make my own), the best vegetables, a great gravy and a perfect crust!

This pie is now nicely tucked away … but I am sure I’ll have to make many more!
