make her tiramisu for valentine’s day

tiramisu inspired by the film 'no reservations'

I think it is part public service and part a reflection of economic reality that we have movies encourage cooking and baking. Not only can you save money, but when one learns to cook, one can make something nicer and more nutritious than what can often be purchased. In the film “No Reservations”, one of the many featured items was a more recent culinary creation called ‘Tiramisu.” Tiramisu is an Italian dessert whose origination is debated. I do remember various layered ‘lady finger’ desserts from childhood and all were marvelous! However, “Tiramisu” has been around no earlier than the late 1960’s.

Italian Lady fingers are called ‘Savoriardi’ and although chefs try to discourage you from making them… they are very easy to make using a pastry tube! Tiramisu is best made this way.

In any event, if you (Men) would like something easy to make — but doesn’t seem so — for that special person in your life and you really don’t know much about cooking… allow me to suggest  the wonderful Italian dessert Tiramisu!

Although this isn’t the way I make it… here is a nice recipe for a Kaluha version of Tiramisu!

You can buy her candy and flowers… but nothing says love like a home made dessert.

Happy Valentine’s Day!


UPDATE: thanks to a helpful chef … here’s the recipes that appeared in the movie “No Reservations”