feels more like the year of the cheetah

is this year going by quickly?

Various ‘Old’ people once told me that time passed a lot faster as they aged.  And finally, one day they woke up surprised to seeing an old person looking back at them in the mirror. I never thought of this as particularly comforting. My ‘belief’ was that age was a state of mind, and I still think it is… for the most part. And although I do admit that  one year does seem to fold into the next rather seamlessly , I  think there is a sensible reason for this. Most people enjoy the predictability of life when it comes on our terms and we find comfort in the routine. When life is routine and predictable , time passes quickly and hopefully more happily for each of us.

So many of my routines have always centered around food, oddly enough. So much so, that my daughter Karen after reflecting on my life exclaimed with astonishment that I was a ‘foodie.’  It’s fun when one can still astonish any member of the family. I have adopted a new comforting routine of a Sunday midday meal consisting of a  Spanish Tortilla that always seems to bring a smile. When one smiles, time does often feel like it passes faster and leaves us a bit happier.

Nothing brings family together better than a good occasion with great food (l to r) Laura Freberg, Leroy Sievers and Loraine Sievers (1980)
Nothing brings family together like a great occasion and good food! Left Photo (l to r) Laura Freberg, Leroy Sievers and Loraine Sievers (1980) Right photo: Kristin

So, find the routines — and food — you like and enjoy the journey and smile a bit more. This just may make you happier.
