building a better tiramisu with an american mascarpone

Tiramisu using an American Mascarpone
making a better Tiramisu with an American Mascarpone

Normally, I like to make recipes using the most authentic ingredients available. Sometimes, a ‘better ingredient’ is available just around the corner. I found a great Mascarpone made by a Wisconsin cheese company proud of their Italian roots… “Bel Gioioso.”

The real trick is in folding in a real meringue with your cheese and yolk mixture, adding grated white chocolate over each layer and soaking your lady fingers soaked in a nice blend of liquors.

Here is our recipe.


ucsb’s virtual imaging lab and modern ghost busting

Laura at UCSB's virtual imaging lab
Modern Ghost buster or virtual warrior?

Laura has always loved science, football games and technology … things that most of the male community also gravitate. Laura will pass up the Oscars or the vast wasteland of soaps to watch the stuff I also enjoy like: the documentary channel, the super bowl game, the history channel or just sit around talking about the latest thoughts on evolutionary psychology or what William James would think if he was still alive.

So, I knew that the hardest thing would be to get her out of the Virtual Imaging lab which combines a lot of our favorite elements in a virtual environment.

Read her post.

It was fun to watch her overcome her fobias and ‘jump’ off a cliff and ‘walk over a deep ravine on a thin plank’ in the virtual world.

This picture of Laura just makes me smile.
