iPad is whats for lunch and dinner

my iPad
My ipad arrived today... and yes, I am excited!

We all love technology in our family and this coming from a guy who lives in a community that thinks electricity is a passing fad! The simple fact is that each of us recieved an iPad 3G 64GB today and we all looked forward to it with anticipation.

There was only one person who had trouble today and that was me! First, I had to make it work with a router that wasn’t designed for Mac and an entire PC network! Oh well, we missed lunch and dinner but got it done and it is wonderful! Fortunately, Mom is one of those rare breed of women who loves football and technology, so she helped put it all together!

One of my daughters called to tell me she was going poor adding all the aps she wanted, the other interrupted and asked if her sister had found all the ‘free’ aps that were out there? The fun thing is that it is moments like this that bond us fondly together in common interest… and to help Dad stay relatively current!

Technology helps make learning so much easier.

Roger Freberg

on a diet? then find something to build!

building a 12 foot redwood bench
building a 12 foot redwood bench

When I am on the ‘dieting’ wagon, I find it best to stay busy and keep my concentration on some project or another.

So, today, I built a 12 foot redwood bench… which , believe it or not, will come in handy and I’ll wonder why I didn’t make more of them.

That’s it for this blog… I need a shower!


chubby hubby’s family goes shopping!

Sometimes we find pictures from our past the makes us laugh, some make us cry and others…

chubby hubby and family go shopping
going shopping can be fun!

…..Ā  are the ones that make us wince!

Our daughter Karla has always been the chronicler of ‘truth’ and never mean spirited but always honest. You see, there was a time in our lives when all of us were a bit on the large scale. I say ‘large’, because only a ‘rock scale’ at a local gravel yard could accurately weigh me. Of course, I comforted myself that I was ‘large boned’ and ate like a ‘bird.’ That is to say, I ate continually like some sort of primeval pterodactyl!

Four years ago, we all foundĀ  Jenny Craig and the rest — as they say — is history. In truth, we augment our Jenny meals significantly. We need to add ‘bulk’ to the meal — or as they say ‘volumize’. Our Breakfast cereal has a large practical jokeĀ  amount of strawberries, a banana and blueberries! Lunches are huge salads ( with Jenny dressing) with mushrooms, tomatoes, and capers… and sometimes additions of hearts of palm and those wonderfully sweet mini-corns. Dinner has a large amount of vegetables: thin beans, mushrooms, and sweet peppers. With all of this, I still get some Jenny Craig Chocolate cake every night!

So, what are you waiting for?


I have the above picture of Karla’s over my computer… and it makes me smile, butĀ  happy that none of us are where we were in 1995!

when I am hungry I think of Gumbo

my seafood gumbo

When you are hungry or on a diet, is there a food that you desire most? Is it something from your past or childhood? I was very young when I had my first taste of Gumbo made in a very traditional way, but with a nontraditional touch utilizing the best ingredients that the chef could put his hands on! I remember the quizzical look he gave me as I watched him pour in an ample amount of wine and all I could do was smile. My first Gumbo poured over yellow rice lining a deep bowl was a flashbulb memory of my youth. Yum

This is what I think about when I am hungry… like right now!

Here’s the recipe I don’t have on my blog.

Bon Appetite,
