why do we need projects?

my latest project is a 4 x 5 redwood picnic table
my latest project is another 4 x 5 picnic table

Do you ever wonder why we need special projects to accomplish in our lives and why we are not satisfied with the more mundane raking of leaves or washing dishes?

Laura answered this years ago for me by saying that ‘ although all jobs are honorable’, the ‘routine’ jobs really never end and only in ‘projects’ can we see a final effort that lasts long after the work is done. This — of course — was her nice way of saying,” mow the lawn.” However, I confess to not being able to resit tinkering with some project, culinary or otherwise.

24 years ago, I was very dissatisfied with a particular kind of outdoor furniture. I didn’t like the flimsiness of red wood picnic tables you could buy or make. I wanted a table that I could stand on one corner and it wouldn’t move. Given my ponderous size at the time, this was really saying something. One of the local lumberyards had some returned redwood in unusual sized ( 2 by 12 in particular) and priced right. What I needed was a design and most of the tables I found  were rectangular and didn’t provide for social interaction of 4 couples or eight people. I knew I had to design one myself.

I called this table my ‘four seasons’ table after the Rotary Club I belonged to at the time in which 4 random couples would dine at one home socially each month. This worked great when there were only 8 people, but I have finally  decided to make another table. I love my ‘double trestle’ design because everyone can easy talk to anyone gathered there.

Besides, projects are fun after all.


now ofr four benches!


brazil and macadamia nut biscotti is buttery good

to see recipe for brazil and macademia nut biscotti click on picture

Biscotti has become one of our family staples for two reasons: first Biscottis can be manipulated to be reasonable on a calorie  basis; secondly, they go great with our preferred beverage, coffee; lastly, making Biscottis isn’t as challenging as one might think and offers an opportunity to experiment.  So, I added two favorite items Brazil Nuts and Macadamia nuts and this equals a buttery heaven.

enjoy, I did!


birthdays and indulgences

I have always enjoyed others birthdays more than my own and not because of any false modesty, but because I  found it more pleasurable to see their happy faces. However, I guess I have to get used to the idea that those younger than me — and that number seems to be increasing at a staggering rate — are beginning to celebrate birthdays — like mine — with amazement. I do understand this a little, I look at those who turn 100 in the same way!

April 14th had some interesting events: although President Lincoln was shot on this day , this is balanced by the facts that the first abolitionist group was started in America and Harriet Tubman began her ‘underground railroad’ to transfer escaping slaves to the northern ‘free states’ also on this day. Yes,  the ‘Titanic’ hit an iceberg today (1912) , yet the first edition of Websters dictionary appeared ( an important day to me!). Ron Steiger and Julie Christie share this birthday and the first space shuttle Columbia was launched (1981), which thrilled almost everyone.

So, if your birthday is today… happy birthday! Enjoy the day


PS. special thanks to Karla who made this cute birthday picture of me

Congratulations Karen for being all but dissertation

Karen Freberg the Public Relations Doctoral Candidate
"Have Great Conference, Will Travel!" Whether it be Beijing, Amsterdam, or Rio de Janeiro, Karen is networking, presenting and gaining experience.

A special congratulations to my daughter Karen Freberg for jumping another hurdle and passing her oral exams and becoming ABD ( this stands for ‘all but dissertation’). Karen is a hard working and creative soul, so I am sure her dissertation will be something interesting, indeed. In the meantime, all your hard work is paying off!

love, Dad

kitchenaid is the holy grail of kitchen appliances


kitchen aid heavy duty mixer
Professional 600 6 Qt. Stand Mixer Nickel Pearl (KTA KP26M1XNP )

I have always enjoyed cooking; however, outside of cutlery, I have seldom paid the ticket for the more expensive kitchen equipment. In fact, I have received a lot of good natured ribbing about some of the antiques that can be found in my kitchen, like the 1800’s meat grinder and the 1940’s KitchenAid mixer. So, it was finally time to upgrade.

Years ago, I wanted a better oven and opted for a KitchenAid gas with a convection oven. As most who bake know, gas convection ovens are best. I decided to take a jump and look at what was available on the KitchenAid site. I had no prejudice against buying a refurbished mixer, but it had to be heavy duty and have steel gears.

What’s nice is that it will be here soon.

Roger Freberg

Yes, Karen, Karla and Kristin, I had to have the ice cream maker!