iPad envy is a terrible thing

Everyone in my family loves technology, especially something new. Each generation of technology was fun for us to explore. We all joke about the days when updating an Apple meant knowing how to use a soldering iron! I remember cutting into a case to add the first floppy disk, then the 3 1/4, cd and dvd and all the recording versions. If you are old enough, you’ll remember when a floppy handled a whopping 10k of memory and buying a computer without a hard disk. We’ve even beta tested a few items which was fun, especially new video game systems. We smile back at those times. We may never meet any of the geniuses associated with these great devices, but we are grateful for the sense of awe they bring, their usefulness and practicality…. and yes, for the envy it causes in others!  😉

So one day, we are all on the conference phone discussing Apple’s latest mobile devise called the iPad and ‘wondering’ which iPad — if any — is worthy of purchase? After much discussion, we agreed that we each would buy the  WiFi 6G 64GB as it had virtually everything. They’ll be shipped at the end of the month and the only question remains is who will get theirs first?

Here’s a nice discussion on iPad:


iPad — at Apple

Yes, I have heard from a few friends that we are once again being mislead on the quest for truth and enlightenment. We have heard that the iPad is just a fad and this too will pass. They said the same thing about the personal computer thirty years ago.  However, I am reminded of Mark Twain’s famous remark,”denial is not just a river in Egypt!.”

iPad envy is a terrible thing.

Roger Freberg

Puerto Rican Tostones


My daughter Karen told me that a  friend from Puerto Rico loves  this common and delicious snack of salted ‘twice-fried’ Plantains. They are called “Tostones.” I thought I’d try it myself and I am glad I did.

Slicing Plantains can be a little tricky for those who expect to be pealing a version of a banana. The fact is that Plantains are often referred to as a vegetable and prepared in much a similar fashion. Plantains are roughly 97% carbohydrate, 2% protein and 1 % fat.

The ‘twice fried” Tostones is a simple process: 1) peal the plantain, 2) slice the plantain 3) fry the slices 4) remove the slices and mash them 5) fry again and 6) remove, place on a paper towel and salt!



more recipes with Plantains