with apples comes fun

Dutch 'Apple Flaps" are a family favorite
Dutch 'Apple Flaps" are a family favorite

After 38 years of marriage, Laura and I don’t disagree over too much, actually we never really have disagreed much if you don’t consider child rearing, food preferences, finances, religion or politics. Actually, we only fight about food preferences. We have one producing apple tree and we ‘discuss’ how the apples will be utilized. Will we be making apple sauce ( Laura’s preference) or Apple Flaps, pies or a host of other wonderful recipes?

Fortunately, for me, Laura is still enjoying the apple sauce from last season, which leaves me to bake something wonderful. I  do think that  Apple Flaps will be my first effort when the time comes!

small apples of my garden
the apples are just starting out , but they look delicious!

So, it looks like I’ll be able to make many apple pies and dried apple slices this year.


in praise of southern cal annenberg school of communication


There is no secret that I have a fondness for the University of Southern California and SC’s reputation for excellence is well deserved. If I were to point to any one issue that SC clearly stands out amongst the rest; it is what folks call ‘the service after the sale!’ When you leave SC, you and your degree still means something to the university and those who came before you.

Most universities have something to offer or they wouldn’t exist, but the experience for many usually ends after the last tuition check is paid. However, at SC, there exists what we fondly call the “Trojan Family.”  No matter where you travel in the world, when you meet someone from ‘SC’ an instant smile appears and a bond reemerges that truly lasts a lifetime.

I thought I’d pop in and see what was happening at Annenberg and found this nice video on youtube. SC doesn’t need my props, but I am continually impressed with their results oriented, practical approach to success and the accomplishments of their graduates.

Fight On!

Roger Freberg