unraveling the mysteries of sou barag

the Armenian mysteries of sou barag“Sou Barag” is an Armenian dish by many names in many places: Sou Boereg, Sou Boreg, Sou Boeregi, Sou Burek and Sou Barag to name but a few. However, the many variations in the preparation of this dish is due in part to the travels of the Armenian diaspora and in part to the availability of ingredients.

Armenian is considered — I am told — to not be a highly spiced cuisine; something , I am sure, my Swedish father-in-law would have approved. However, this is not to say it isn’t wonderful or flavorful. The real challenge is to find a guide to how to make Armenian food without all of the substitutions and shortcuts found in so many recipes today. It is hard to talk to someone  knowledgeable who doesn’t starts the conversation by saying,” this takes a lot of work… so this is what I do…” For example, the dough layers are made with egg, flour and a water mixture that is ‘paper thin’ and somewhere between a lasagna noodle and filo dough. Many recipes call for one or the other, but mostly Filo.

There is some agreement on what constitutes the cheese layer. This contains a mixture of egg, cheese and parsley. I am sure there is an inclusion of some seasonings; salt, pepper and garlic at least. This would be my choice.

This recipe as it stands today is  a bow to vegetarians everywhere; however, I suspect that the original recipes had a meat and tomato sauce layer ( Tomatoes came to Armenia late in the game). And although pork was a well used meat in austere Soviet Armenia, I suspect that lamb is preferred being widely used today and historically in and around Armenia. As with South African “Bobotie”, I think a blend of pork and lamb would be a nice change of pace with some of the commonly used Armenian spices, including Basil.

I still have a few questions on this dish… but it is coming along!


Happy Karla de Mayo

karla's wonderful drawings
artwork by Karla

For those who don’t know this month well, you may not know that this is Karla’s birthday month! Karla has informed me years ago that everyone has a birthday, that one special day each year we celebrate their birth DAY, but since she is special, she gets a birthday all month long! Think of it as a thirty day Hanukkah with a present every day.

Karla has a way of lightening the mood , she makes wonderful drawings to help remind all of us of some important things in life …and sometimes I can’t help but smile, like this little cartoon about one of the common irritants on the road around here.

Happy Cinco de Mayo… and yes, Happy Karla de Mayo ,too!


happiness is a full biscotti jar

hazelnuts in my biscotti
ah, biscotti with hazelnuts!

Happiness is a full biscotti jar!

Now, I know that not everyone enjoys biscottis, but I always blamed it on ‘bad biscottis’ or they were not used properly. I was astounded to see people eat biscottis plain without the customary mug of coffee! sacrilege! I believe the best flavor in any biscotti is brought out by dipping it into a nice cup of coffee… and if the cup has cream with the coffee, so much the better!

Recently someone wrote me that they didn’t like adding nuts into the biscotti because the biscotti tasted ‘crunchy’ when eaten. well, I asked how she made them and it appeared that she swept in all of the nutty crumbs in as well. I like to avoid this by using only half or sliced nuts… no crumbs.

Enjoy the day.


finding interesting applications for the iPad

fun with iPads applications and painting redwood furniture
working on adding iPad applications and painting redwood furniture

One of the fun things we have been doing recently is adding some of the fun applications available for free or with a slight cost via itunes. Certainly, I had to add a couple of Laura’s favorites: tetris and soduku along with the usually presentation, word, graphic and spreadsheet software. This isn’t supposed to be a replacement for a lap top or a phone ( although it will do Skype), but it will certainly do almost everything else!

I wanted to find a background graphic that would be pleasant for Laura and I to see and one of my favorite is of 3 of my four girls up on the Parthenon overlooking the city in Athens.

Karen, Kristin and Laura in Athens!

Oh yes, I had to paint my new redwood bench. The table in the foreground  in the foreground was made 24 years ago with 2×12 redwood and has lasted wonderfully… so I have hope for the second one as well.

Have a fun day,
