why don’t film critics love ironman2?

ironman 2
IRONMAN 2 is more action and more fun

Why don’t the film critics love IRONMAN 2?

1)      Well, although there was a lot of talk about ‘world peace’, it was secured – as Chairman Mao once said – through the muzzle of a gun.

2)      There was no  real anti-Americanism or dialogue that referred to “we are the cause of the world’s problems” rhetoric. Interestingly, the only real blame that was cast was on self serving American politicians. The critics don’t like this as “Politicians’ in this our modern era are sacred, well, at least some of them by the media.

3)      Tony Stark appears to at least –temporarily—be turning over a new leaf with a more sincere and possibly monogamous relationship with a woman. This is unacceptable to film critics on many levels. BTW, the previous villain ( a one Mr. Bridges) won an academy award for one of those movies no one pays money to see. I just saw his movie on dvd on sale at Costco … and it wasn’t selling. My guess it will be bundled with another movie – possibly ‘Brokeback Mountain’ – sometime soon, two for $9.00.

4)      There were a few lines that would cause immediate political disfavor among the politically sensitive critics. One memorable quote by Tony Stark was, “peace brought to you by the private sector.” The concept that government is not a solution to everything is a problem for them.

5)      The movie was decidedly positive, optimistic and upbeat, which is everything a critic locked into the 1970’s political mentality hates.

Oh, yeah, the bad guy was really bad and the good guys really won! Can you believe anything more revolting than that?

IRONMAN 2 is a great flick. See it a feel better for doing so.