a hand is a link to someone’s heart

I wanna hold your hand

I noticed that  one of Laura’s blogs “I wanna hold your hand” was getting a lot of interest lately, I recognized it and it made me smile. Laura discussed how it was a simple means of communication and a sign of affection. She also hinted at how some people view it as ‘control’ and ‘oppression’, which might be the case in dealing with a 2 year old trying to run in a crowded airport… but less so here.

Personally, I have always found walking holding hands to be relaxing, a silent form of communication and comforting. Laura said that she had noticed more and more folks holding hands and viewed this as a good sign for relationships and I agree. On reflecting, I do remember when Laura first held my hand, it was on our first date in 1969 at a USC- UCLA football game and she sighed that her hands were cold. I held her right hand with my left as we walked and we both felt warmer and I could feel her pulse….  I knew her statement was ‘a line’… but it was a good one!

Over the years, I have found walking and holding hands to be a link into someone’s heart. Because, if you walk holding hands with someone for 30 minutes, you know all about them.